Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Getting to the "Oh!": The learning journey of a two year old.

Emma just turned two years old. It seems as though she has instantly acquired the ability to put short sentences together and carry on a real conversation. She has also begun to learn by asking questions, which at times can be irritating, yet delightful if I can be patient. Her favorite words are "Why", "Where", and "When" - always in the form of a question. Case in point: Me: "Emma, It's time to put your shoes on." Emma: "Why?" Me: "Because we are going to the store". Emma: "Where?" Me: Fred Meyer. Emma: "Why?" Me: "To buy groceries" Emma: "When? Me: "As soon as you put your shoes on." Emma: "Where?" Me: "On your feet" Emma: "Oh!" It often becomes a game to see who how quickly I can get her to the "Oh!". I hope she never outgrows the ability to question, and that I never grow tired of helping her along this wonderful journey.