Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 - Where were you?

I was in D.C., still in uniform, getting dressed to go take a tour of the Pentagon, when all hell broke loose on Fox News. I remember stunned hotel guests just staring at the TV sets in the lobby. One woman staying with us had been driving by the Pentagon when a plane flew in front of her car, barely above the treetops, and crashed into the Pentagon. She turned around and came back to the hotel, practically in shock. I toured downtown D.C. the day after and saw snipers on the roof of the White House, several blocks around were roadblocked, most of the museums and federal buildings were closed. I drove home to Augusta, GA, and had never seen so many US Flags being flown as I did on that long drive back. As sad a day as this is - I see it as a wake-up call for America, a rally cry for freedom, and a reminder of how great this country can be when we need it most. God Bless America!